Wednesday, June 19, 2013

scripture power!

a few weeks ago, the sister missionaries in our ward challenged casey and i to read the book of mormon for 30 minutes a day.
and before them actually, the mission president in our area challenged us too, but that was before we went on all our trips and i forgot about that one.
ps- i LOVE sister missionaries, they are the BOMB
i'm closing in on 3 weeks of diligent, daily 30 min reading, and it just feels good.
it feels so good to dedicate 30 minutes to reading the book of mormon everyday.
the stories in the scriptures all mesh together, they're not just a bunch of separate chapters.
also, i'm reading from a completely new book of mormon without any of my notes and hi-lights from all my previous years of life. it's like i'm reading it for the first time finding my own truths all on my own!

i used to diligently workout during maxson's first nap of the day but i decided after all our trips more importantly than working out is reading my scriptures, and it has made all the difference.
i'm happier.
i'm more patient.
i'm more optimistic.
i'm more forgiving.
i'm closer to the spirit.
i just feel like i'm a better all around person when i read for 30 min in the morning.
hopefully soon i'll find a new good time to workout but more importantly is me time in the scriptures.

i can promise you, that if you find time to really read your scriptures everyday, be it 10, 15, or 30 minutes everyday, you will be given more power, strength and courage to get through your day. you will grow closer to god. even in these short 3 weeks, i have seen such a difference in my life. we've been promised that when we read the book of mormon each day, we will grow closer to God than any other way possible. i know this to be true. the book of mormon is the work of God, He speaks to us through the words in His scriptures!

so dearest friends, i invite YOU to read the book of mormon.
read it in a way you've never read it before.
be it quickly, in depth with references, a new, unmarked book of mormon, or just try reading it for the first time.
and then ask heavenly father if it is true.
i know your life will be blessed!!!

ps-if you don't have a book or mormon, i would be delighted to give you one :)


Katie said...

I feel inspired by your testimony and experience Mrs. Kimber. I accept your challenge.

Stay tuned for updates :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder, I needed it today :)

Scottie and Megany said...

You are awesome. So proud of you