wow, what a crazy, long, exhausting past 5 days it's been. lemeeesplain.
thursday morning casey goes to school. all day long i clean the house, do 4 loads of laundry, prepare food, and pack for the weekend. 5 pm we begin our drive to indiana to watch our niece and nephew for the weekend. our 10 hour drive turned into 13 with AWFUL snow and wind conditions all along the way. casey only let me drive 45 min so he pretty much drove all night long up to 6 am without a break. i felt so bad for the guy (but apparently not bad enough in my sleepy state to do anything about it). we were so blessed we didn't get in an accident. even though i got to sleep most the time in the car after 1 am, once i woke up in the morning it felt like i hadn't slept all night or that feeling of when you have a terrible night with a newborn and even though your "sleep time" was 8 hours you were up at least every hour and you just feel awful. so that was thursday night/friday morning.
friday was so much fun because we got to see family! we snuck in a few naps here and there so we could survive the rest of the day but were still on the fence of being tired vs not tired.
saturday was really fun with all the kids together except that at 10 am i get a text from casey saying he rolled his ankle really bad during church basketball and can barely walk…fun. so saturday is spent taking care of 4 children, it was a little exhausting to say the least. (but also really good for me to be able to 100% serve and attend to casey's needs for once instead of me constantly asking him to do things for me).
sunday. well sunday morning maxson was awake from 3-5 not happy for reasons i can only guess were teething mixed with sleeping in a different environment? not sure really, that was extremely tiring. we forgot to set our alarm for 9 am church. instead we woke up to all the children happily deciding they wanted to wake up at 8:10 (not complaining to that time at all). we slightly rushed to church. i say slightly because i was in no hurry to stress myself out of trying to get here on time. casey and i got there with the 3 kids i ended up getting there with 4 children in tow around 9:45. overall church went smoothly the rest of the time we were there since most of the time i only had to take care of maxson and i gave up that day went the easy route and just let him roam the halls most of the sunday school hour. after church we lost all 3 children at the same time in the building for about 15 seconds: maxson started running down the hall away from casey after i gave maxson to casey to watch, brielle was hiding behind the coats, and jaden had legitimately run off minutes earlier. and all this time casey can pretty much only stand there and be a warm body to help. the rest of the sunday only involved minor melt downs and casey was a tad more mobile with crutches.
sunday night cody and camille got home from their anniversary trip and we had the best evening with them. we stayed up until 1:30 am chatting away. if you know night-time-kimber well at all, that must have been a really fun night, i am very much a baby when it comes to staying up late and begin to get ready for bed at 11 almost always, the absolute latest i can stay awake is midnight. so it really was such a fun night with them.
we planned to leave when we woke up monday morning just as the day went, maybe max would wake up at 8 and we'd leave by 9:30? well after we went to sleep at 1:30 i was restless for the next hour for some reason. then at 2:30 am or so maxson starts coughing a bit and kind of waking up and a few cries here and there and we just stayed in our bed in hopes he'd get over and go back to sleep. by 2:45 i just didn't feel good with the different sounds he's making, they weren't his normal wake up in the middle of the night cries. so i check on him at the foot of our bed to find that he's thrown up :( i felt like such an awful mom. he was in such a sad state: pale, little head strength and body control, he couldn't control his eyes it seemed, it was so sad and scary. it didn't feel like the scene of a "normal" sick throwing up person so asked casey to give him a priesthood blessing. the next hour and a half involved cleaning up his sleeping area and him and packing up all our stuff to go, we figured that since we were very awake at 3 am we might as well all just leave. casey stayed cuddling max on the couch with a cup ready to catch anything that came out and it did. the whole hour and half until we left maxson went between sleeping and a state of sleeping/throwing up that was so sad.
we left around 4:30 am. i drove the first hour and half while casey took care of maxson in the back, i think he only threw up once or twice more and it was very easily contained with the cup and bib, the rest of the time they slept. casey then drove for an hour because i couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. really casey probably shouldn't be driving because of his very purple/swollen foot but i couldn't do it. i was out that whole hour in an instant, even if it was uncomfortable, i was so exhausted. the rest of the trip we switched off driving every hour so the other could try to get some sleep. somehow maxson always timed his sleep while i drove and his awake time while i was in the back with him. i don't think i've ever been this tired in my life and had to keep going like this. SO TIRED. luckily we did have dad is fat by jim gaffigan to listen to while we drove to help keep us awake half the time, he was so funny. only a funny audio book like this truly kept us from falling asleep at the wheel. the very last 1 1/2 hour leg to our home maxson timed his sleeping while i was in the back with him. i woke up to feeling like a brand new person. what an hour of sleep does to you!!!!!! we made great time getting home in 10 1/2 hours.
once we unloaded the car we headed to the urgent care to learn that casey has 2 fractures in his foot. yayyyyyyyyyy! not. he has a super intense moon boot he gets to wear around because of it. poor casey. we'll be going to a foot/ankle doctor this week to discuss what to do about it.
once max woke up from his like 3 hour nap in the car he was back to happy normal maxson with a ravishing appetite from fasting for so long.
so that incredibly long monologue is why 5 days felt like three 48 hour days
note to C&C: this trip was 100% worth all that pain we went through, we love love love seeing you guys
note to C&C: this trip was 100% worth all that pain we went through, we love love love seeing you guys
and here are the random pictures that go along with the trip
(i barely took any this trip seeing that we were so busy, but do know my niece and nephew were oober fun and we had a great weekend in indiana)
a. we reached 200,000 miles on our little car! good job corolla. this picture was actually taken at 199,999.9 miles at 9 degrees fahrenheit .
b. we made homemade pretzels twice while there. oh how i love thee bread machine. i'll share my recipe at some point.
c. flowers from casey as a pre-thankyou for playing video games all saturday night with friends (this was before his foot thing happened)
d. it was snowing beautifully outside all weekend so i wanted to take all 3 kids outside to play in the snow. ha, it was quite the exhausting adventure. this was the mess that ensued.
(i barely took any this trip seeing that we were so busy, but do know my niece and nephew were oober fun and we had a great weekend in indiana)
a. we reached 200,000 miles on our little car! good job corolla. this picture was actually taken at 199,999.9 miles at 9 degrees fahrenheit .
b. we made homemade pretzels twice while there. oh how i love thee bread machine. i'll share my recipe at some point.
c. flowers from casey as a pre-thankyou for playing video games all saturday night with friends (this was before his foot thing happened)
d. it was snowing beautifully outside all weekend so i wanted to take all 3 kids outside to play in the snow. ha, it was quite the exhausting adventure. this was the mess that ensued.
a. barney
b. sick maxson on the car ride back to nebraska
c. trying to sleep in the back of the car
d. either his shirt shrunk or his belly grew from the last time he wore this
b. sick maxson on the car ride back to nebraska
c. trying to sleep in the back of the car
d. either his shirt shrunk or his belly grew from the last time he wore this
a. at urgent care
b. his super sweet moon boot
c. & d. nasty swollen/bruised foot. the bruising is beginning to go into his toes nearly 4 days later
b. his super sweet moon boot
c. & d. nasty swollen/bruised foot. the bruising is beginning to go into his toes nearly 4 days later
and these were just random pictures from today while i wrote this long blog post of our weekend. maxson has been obsessed with pulling up his shirt all day and finding his belly button or just pulling it up for fun. gosh darn it if it's not the cutest thing to watch today. look at how big his belly is!
and 2 random photos from our trip in az i hadn't put up
a. maxson on the slide at the park, my mom took this
b. the crown braids whitney did on our hair all week long whenever we begged her to do it. did mine turn out stellar or what? whitney is a pro hair stylist, seriously go get your hair done by her, you will love me for going to her (i can get you in contact with her if you want)
a. maxson on the slide at the park, my mom took this
b. the crown braids whitney did on our hair all week long whenever we begged her to do it. did mine turn out stellar or what? whitney is a pro hair stylist, seriously go get your hair done by her, you will love me for going to her (i can get you in contact with her if you want)
MISERABLE! First off, I would NOT be able to drive at all. I am the worst long distance driver. I fall asleep so easily. But if my husband's foot was practically broken too?! GAH. You guys are amazing!
Oh my... I knew it was bad, but reading the details it was like REALLY BAD!!! How did you survive?!? You are a saintly woman and we love you dearly. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and let's make our March visit the most chill relaxing thing EVER!
p.s. I love Max's belly. Must squeeze it now!
wow. just wow. It was so fun to see you guys for just a second;)
EESHK! That is one heck of a weekend! I hope you've recovered and that Casey is feeling better! On the plus side, you've got the most adorable little boy ever ;)
Wow! I can't believe what you guys went through in such a short time. I feel for you, throw up on a long trip home, we just did that, and Nate has seriously sprained his ankle with bruising just like that probably 5 times since we've been married, one time he tore ligaments...all from Ward basketball! So I seriously seriously feel for you two. I hope he heels quickly. And I hope you get showered in blessing really soon for all of the sacrifices you guys made to help out your family!
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