i love this little baby,
i really do.
we have such a fun time with him.

i think casey and i got really really lucky.
tonight we were talking together about sometimes you hear new parents talking about how being a mom/dad is awesome but really hard too.
we honestly only feel the awesome part.
ok, yes, we haven't gotten around to the child making messes, throwing tantrums, and talking back, but i'm talking about the new baby stage.
maxson is so chill and very easy and so sweet and it's just the best.
even if he doesn't take long naps sometimes, he's still so happy when he wakes up.
and his night time sleep ranges from 10-11 hours in total.
if i'm tired in the morning that's not his fault at all,
it's because i stay up too late/i'm used to 10 hours of sleep, ha, but 8 is totally enough.

here's maxson leading the song in his first family home evening,
he rocked.
and then one day when casey came home from lunch, he was doing the dad thing like a pro

and i love that i have a husband who comes home from school with this on his face,
and then leaves it on his face for the rest of the day :)

he's just such a fun baby.
he's always throwing out smiles and sounds when we're talking to him,
i just love it.
the corner of his lips go up drastically and he's got the cutest tiny dimples on each side.
usually i don't get the smiles on camera because once i whip it out he's like
"ooh wowwwwww, what's that ginormous black thing by your face?"

and here's maxson's buddy, grant.
grant is actually over a month older than max, he and his twin sister abby were born at 29 weeks!
we got to visit them this week and it was really fun.
their family is also in the first year of dental school so we imagine/hope these boys will be the best of friends/trouble makers over the next few years!
it's funny in this picture maxson is wearing a bib, HE'S ALWAYS WEARING A BIB because he spits up so dang much, ha, i usually try to take them off when i get the camera out because i like the look of it more. before i had a baby i always thought "why use a bib? they're not very cute on their outfits and you can just wipe up the spit up off their clothes...ya, wipe the spit up off their clothes but then their clothes are SOAKING wet, and you don't want your baby to be in soaking wet clothes! how parenthood easily changes your thoughts...

hope you have a lovely weekend!
ps- this week's book club we are reading stephanie nielson's book "heaven is here"
i read it this summer and loved every minute.
she's such an incredible woman.
and today i went back and watched a small video of her story and progression,
it has reminded me to enjoy all the little details of motherhood just like the fatherhood video reminded me to admire casey's divine role so much.
i'm so grateful we'll be a family forever
we have such a fun time with him.

i think casey and i got really really lucky.
tonight we were talking together about sometimes you hear new parents talking about how being a mom/dad is awesome but really hard too.
we honestly only feel the awesome part.
ok, yes, we haven't gotten around to the child making messes, throwing tantrums, and talking back, but i'm talking about the new baby stage.
maxson is so chill and very easy and so sweet and it's just the best.
even if he doesn't take long naps sometimes, he's still so happy when he wakes up.
and his night time sleep ranges from 10-11 hours in total.
if i'm tired in the morning that's not his fault at all,
it's because i stay up too late/i'm used to 10 hours of sleep, ha, but 8 is totally enough.

here's maxson leading the song in his first family home evening,
he rocked.
and then one day when casey came home from lunch, he was doing the dad thing like a pro

and i love that i have a husband who comes home from school with this on his face,
and then leaves it on his face for the rest of the day :)

he's just such a fun baby.
he's always throwing out smiles and sounds when we're talking to him,
i just love it.
the corner of his lips go up drastically and he's got the cutest tiny dimples on each side.
usually i don't get the smiles on camera because once i whip it out he's like
"ooh wowwwwww, what's that ginormous black thing by your face?"

and here's maxson's buddy, grant.
grant is actually over a month older than max, he and his twin sister abby were born at 29 weeks!
we got to visit them this week and it was really fun.
their family is also in the first year of dental school so we imagine/hope these boys will be the best of friends/trouble makers over the next few years!
it's funny in this picture maxson is wearing a bib, HE'S ALWAYS WEARING A BIB because he spits up so dang much, ha, i usually try to take them off when i get the camera out because i like the look of it more. before i had a baby i always thought "why use a bib? they're not very cute on their outfits and you can just wipe up the spit up off their clothes...ya, wipe the spit up off their clothes but then their clothes are SOAKING wet, and you don't want your baby to be in soaking wet clothes! how parenthood easily changes your thoughts...

hope you have a lovely weekend!
ps- this week's book club we are reading stephanie nielson's book "heaven is here"
i read it this summer and loved every minute.
she's such an incredible woman.
and today i went back and watched a small video of her story and progression,
it has reminded me to enjoy all the little details of motherhood just like the fatherhood video reminded me to admire casey's divine role so much.
i'm so grateful we'll be a family forever
I can't get over the cuteness! He is such a model baby :) I loved Nie's book too, she's such an inspiration!
I am pretty sure Maxson is the cutest baby i have seen in a while. he is so precious!
So you mine as well write by blog posts for me. I agree 100% with everything you said. Everyone goes "having a baby changes everything doesn't it?" and I think umm ya sure. I mean it's been too easy! And spitting up, all THE time. I also show my husband your pictures tell him I want candid ones like this too. We aren't very good at that. I want to be better. <3
Oh and I was wondering-how is that Saving only the best of the best pictures going? I tried doing that with her two month pictures. Ya near impossible!
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