wow, it's thursday.
mwf went so fast for me, they always do.
my thursday and fridays are so easy, i just look forward to getting over my wednesday!
general conference was wonderful this year, as always.
we woke up at 9:56 to prepare ourselves for the 10 am session, we're awesome.
casey and i snuggled on the couch while we watched.
and then i fell asleep between sessions.
sadly, i can't remember one particular talk from those sessions, i just remember feeling good and happy the whole time.
every once and awhile, i say to casey "this is such a good talk!"
i'll be happy to see november's conference issue of the talks come out.
but for conference,
my brother, kirk, and his most dear, dear friend, whitney, came up from mesa!
i got to pick them up from the airport late saturday night
we shared some great memories on that drive home.
the 4 of us got to go to the (very early) sunday morning session of conference.
sadly, we only had 3 tickets to that session.
so casey and i stood on the corner as he held up his finger begging for a ticket.
most embarrassing and funniest thing ever.
oh my word, i was dying of laughter and wanted to give up asap.
our attitudes weren't making it any better either, ha.
an old man in an electric wheel chair came up to us and said he was meeting his grand daughter on the other side of the conference center and that she might have an extra ticket.
(our countenance may have brightened up a little bit).
but his elderly wife (with a walker) needed help getting there.
so for about 5 minutes we helped this cute, old couple get to the other side of the building.
once up there, we began waiting around for his granddaughter.
not sure if she was really going to have a ticket or not, casey began holding up that very embarrassing finger, notifying to all others we were begging for 1 more ticket.
within 30 seconds, a couple tapped casey on the shoulder, and handed him a ticket.
after another little embarrassing scene with getting through security,
we made it inside.
casey finally looked at the ticket and realized the ticket we received was for the very bottom level!
yes people, the bottom level closest to the apostles etc.
umm, so cool.
way worth the embarrassment of holding up that one little finger.
my favorite part of the session was hearing the mormon tabernacle choir sing "I Believe in Christ."
it's my absolute most favorite hymn and it brought to me a reconfirmation of my testimony of this gospel.
top left picture is me with the wilford woodruff statue, "oh hey grandpa! we have the same chin!"
top left picture is me with the wilford woodruff statue, "oh hey grandpa! we have the same chin!"
we met kirk and whitney outside where we walked around temple square a little.
it was a gorgeous day outside and the very first conference session i had ever been to where the weather wasn't cold!
so glad we got to go with these 2.
it'll be a great memory we'll all have together!
ps- this last weekend we had our first date 3 years ago and did the same activities together these 3 years later:
BYU v Utah State game + conference.
i remember after the date staring at this top picture SO much! i thought casey was so cute, and couldn't wait to see more of him!
i also thought we were so cute together!
it'll be a great memory we'll all have together!
ps- this last weekend we had our first date 3 years ago and did the same activities together these 3 years later:
BYU v Utah State game + conference.
i remember after the date staring at this top picture SO much! i thought casey was so cute, and couldn't wait to see more of him!
i also thought we were so cute together!
Jealous! I love watching General Conference at the Conference Center. Such a great experience.
Casey is holding your purse in the first Pic...He must be! LOL what a good guy .... sam hates that!
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