Saturday, January 1, 2011

back to reality

what a crazy, fun-filled, busy last 2 weeks it has been!
thanks for all the comments lately and well wishes on our cruise, very thoughtful of everyone!

our cruise was an absolute blast and wonderful,
except for the fact that the 2 parents and a sister had to leave the cruise 2 days into it bc of sickness :(
and all of us who were left on the cruise were sick in someway for at least 1 day :(
but we made the best of it and had fun christmas together still.
i'll be blogging all about the cruise with pics over the next few days.

we have been here in az the past few days with my famlia having lots of fun together, celebrating christmas late along with new years and a motorcycle trip to the dunes!

on another note...
i was also able to get together with some close friends from {mesa} high school one night.
we haven't had a get together since high school so this was so fun for all of us!
thanks again girls for those of you who made it!
the mix of us girls fall into the categories of either single, dating, married, mommies, or missionaries-to-be.
we even have miss janell now in nyc nannying!
to be honest, high school years were so fun and i loved those friends so so much :)

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