Monday, May 9, 2011

hey mom,

why my mom is the bomb dot com: (1 day late)

she's like always has had kitties around,
she wore cool jump suits when she was pregnant,
she took cool pictures with my dad back in the day,

"she" got through law school with 3 little boys,
and then she had a fourth boy.

she actually blind folded herself to play pin the tail on the donkey with the 3 little boys.
she was always taking us kids swimming.
she put us in the best halloween costumes.
she let us all ride motorcycles growing up even though it's not the safest of hobbies.

she gave birth to me :)
she the lit the turkey on fire which is quite funny i'd have to say.
she always let us snuggle in bed with her.
she trooped us 5 kids around everywhere to do fun things.

she taught us how to work and how to have fun.
she put 80 candles on her dad's birthday cake.
she does balloons, which is awesome.

she jumped on the tramp in super cool spandex pants with the 5 kids and dogs.
she let kirk way too short of swim shorts, heh heh.
she had all 4 boys on 4 different baseball teams in one season, talk about super woman! can you imagine all those practices, games, and treats after games?!?!

she lets me steal borrow her clothes

she's constantly going going going.
ex: hiking timp in 1994? with 5 kids down at aspen grove
hiking timp with me in 2010.

yeah, i think she's pretty awesome if i do say so myself.
thanks mummy, i love you!

and to my MIL:
casey said you were pretty darn fun growing up.
and i'd agree that you're pretty darn fun now!


Anonymous said...

That might be the coolest post I have ever seen on a blog ever.

Cody and Camille said...

Yes, I stayed up too late reading this post... such a fabulous post!!! Those pics rock. I adore the picture of Cody at the end. He looks like Jaden, but with more hair!

Cherri said...

Love you Kimber! "You" will be a great mom I know. Mothering is a joy and it still continues on......