Thursday, May 21, 2015

Progression of the twin bump.

 Amazing news, I finished our 2014 family photo album! Wahoo! It's been 2 months shy of being done for almost 4 months now so it was high time I got my bum in gear. I made a comparison of my pregnancy pictures in it that I thought would be fun to share here too. Being this huge feels like yesterday even though it was 7(!) months ago, ha. It is something I will never forget. So do enjoy my giganticness and feel free to compare your pregnant self to me and feel way good about yourself ;)
That last month was so hard to find clothing to fit over my stomach. Casey's shirts didn't really fit me anymore except for like 2, and even then I would have liked more room in them. I am so proud of what my body did and still amazed how God created it to do such amazing things. The trust He has in us women!

Click here for the same comparison pictures when I was pregnant with Maxson

And another fun series we did. Slowly but surely my toes seem to disappear! That belly was HUGE!


Cherri said...

too amazing!

AN Petersen said...

You were definetly huge compared to your pictures with Max, still so adorable though.

Also, do you still use the same company for your yearbooks and how do you organize your pictures. I need help. I pretty much cry about it every time I think about the unorganized photos on my computer and how much I want to make yearbooks out of them.

Shane and Clara said...

That is amazing! I too think Heavenly Father created our bodies to do amazing things such as carrying a growing baby. But 2 babies at the same time.....THIS is super amazing and you look so adorable in them all. That ball shape at the end is something else!";)
Cute time line of your feet disappearing too. Fun documentation.