why is everything in your store so pretty and SOOOOO TERRIBLY, RIDICULOUSLY, UNBELIEVABLY EXPENSIVE!?!?!?!?!
as i was looking at like every category on the site, my thoughts ranged from "oh this is cute" "oh, love it" "goodness, that's adorable" and "that would look great in my house" (but a few times i thought "pshhhhh, i could make that" pshh, i could find almost that exact same thing cheaper" or "actually those are ugly (the rugs)") And then i thought, hmm, maybe someday if casey and i have sufficient funds for our family i can spend a little extra here and there on clothes, shoes, accessories, and cute things for the house at anthro. and then i was like "ok kimber. let's be real. are you really going to spend large amounts of money on things like clothes and hosue stuff or save that money for trips and experiences and traveling with casey and family (and kids)? yeah, you can bet which was my answer.
moral of the story: you're dumb anthro. it's not me, it's you. we can never really be friends. sorry
oh yeah, one more,
dear ikea,
you're more expensive than i thought. boo :(