Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Adorable pictures of my kids

Surprisingly, life is kind of depressing currently. For a long time it was just exciting that we were all finally graduating and moving but now in a matter of a few weeks a bunch of my friends and I are just moving away from each other and it will never be the same. We're all going different directions. It'll never be the same again. We've spent 4 years with the Hinckleys and Blomstedts who were both in our same dental class and are going to completely differently places than us. And those same 4 years with so many other members of our ward we've come to so so dearly love.I'd be rude to name them off but seriously, 4 years with people you've become moms with, you've learned so much from, you hung out with almost more than you high school friends if you didn't include school hours because you can NEVER get enough playdates and park time and then moms meet up at frozen yogurt place times. It will be a sad sad day when we officially move. But like I said, it's already sad as our friends slowly peel off and move before we do.

Buuuuuuuuuuut onto some cute pictures. I feel like I never get out my nice camera anymore because I take so many pictures of all 3 kids, most don't even turn out like amazing or anything and then I don't have time to sit and go through them that it just one more thing to add to my life that I should be doing but don't have time for. I do miss really nice pictures of all the cute moments of my kids thought. Maybe I should challenge myself to do it more.

I've turned into one of those moms who posts 6 pictures of the same position because heath pictures has a different hilariously cute funny face on SOMEONE that needs to be saved, ugh, motherhood :) These are their new matching shirts straight from California via Jim and Jan Long!

 B saying "dow? dow?" for where'd it go? one of my fondest expressions on tinies
 cutest twinners


The Christophersons said...

Cute cute boys!!!! Been missing your posts but so glad you guys are having fun even if it's without us ;) in Lincoln.

Cherri said...

pretty cute material to work with!

D & C Larson said...

Seriously cannot believe how big your boys are getting- especially the twins! Hang in there momma :)