Sunday, March 3, 2019

32 weeks pregnant with baby girl!

It's funny, my twin pregnancy was so drastically hard from my first pregnancy with Max that it made my 3rd pregnancy, Easton's, seem crazy easy! Even though I was uncomfortable at the end it was still way easier than begin pregnant with twins. So now my 4th pregnancy, baby girl, seems so difficult because my last memory was that pregnancy is easy! Ha!

Lots of back pain. I don't know what it is but from early on, my back began hurting, darn it. I've been using KT tape on my belly which I do think has helped it. It made it go from excruciating painful back ache all day to just a tired feeling all day. I can deal with tired feeling. I've been trying to do back exercises, again, may or may not help. And then on days it's awful and take Tylenol and use deep blue.

Chubbiness. Just turn me green and call me Princess Fiona. Holy cow my whole body has slowly gotten quite chubby everywhere, lol. I've heard people complain about getting fat during pregnancy and I've always thought "well duh, there's a baby in your belly, your stomach is going to get fatter!" Sure you may gain a little fat through out but I just thought they were talking about their stomachs. No. They were really talking about an overall body fatness and I can relate! Ha! My arms and my legs have been huge indicators that the baby weight gain has not just been to my stomach. The face shows it, but face always has. My love handles and back have shown it more! So here's to crossing my fingers the "baby weight" comes off as easily this time as it has in the past 😣

I'll be sitting down for however long and when I stand up it's like I suddenly have to pee NOW, ha. No hints of that feeling when sitting.

Picking up the house is not fun, it's not awful yet, but not comfortable. I beg the boys to pick up the floor and just put it on the couch so I can help put it away comfortably too

It is so uncomfortable to lay down! I toss and turn most of the night from side to side, bathroom breaks, I'm always hot it seems, take Tums in the middle of the night with this crazy new sensation of pregnancy heart burn I have never experienced!

I know that at 32 weeks all these things I'm feeling will only get worse but still, it doesn't feel good with them even at this level, lol. It could be way worse after talking to friends (vomitting, varicose veins, gestational diabetes, high risk pregnancy things) so much worse, so I'm feeling like I should be grateful for the problems I do have. It's like Pres Uchtdorf's talk "being grateful in your circumstances" haha.

The boys are so understanding of mama's belly and me being pregnant. Mostly very willing to give me back and foot massages even if they don't do much good, ha. Love to tell people about me being pregnant, ask to see the baby app to see how big the baby is. Easton still calls himself the baby. When you point to everyone in the room and ask him to say their name he says "baby" when we point to him, ha. But he also points to my tummy and says baby. It's really cute.

I love babies. I love that I have been gifted with the chance to be pregnant with multiple babies and multiple times. It is so coll having a sweet little baby kicking in your tummy all day long. It's like your little buddy that no one knows about. A special relationship between just you and them. She is so wiggly and I love feeling her kicks :)

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